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D&AD New Blood Awards Brief Entry 2018

The Challenge: Use the power of sports to solve a relevant issue in a key city, with an innovative Adidas product, service, brand experience of campaign.

See D&AD brief here

The Solution: Calories for Currency. Loose Lbs, Gain £.

Category: Concept Development, Design

Details: Completed in 2018 at the University of Miami, in collaboration with Sarah Sharfi

Role: Art Direction, Concept, Design

Award: Regionals ADDY Award


Calories for Currency Concept

Background information: The cost of transportation in London is more expensive than any other place in the world.  People living in London are forced to rely on this system despite its high cost.

Challenge: We want to help solve this problem in London by getting people active through Adidas’ Calories for Currency exchange program. 

Solution: Adidas Calories for Currency exchange program allows Londoners to “spend” the calories they burn through the program in place of paying for the undeground.


People download the app on their phones from the Apple Store or Google Play.

The app records and stores the calories they’ve burned whilst exercising.

The calories can later be “spent” on the underground through Apple Wallet.


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